Can I customize my automated SMS message templates?

Yes, you absolutely can!

The tolktalkCX platform automatically responds to your contacts via SMS in the following scenarios:

  1. Case Open > Anytime a contact reaches out to you via SMS, a case is automatically created on your dashboard and an SMS message is automatically sent out to your contact confirming that you have received their message; and
  2. Case Close > Anytime you close a case from the cases pages, an SMS message is automatically sent out to your contact confirming that you have resolved an issue or responded to your contact.

You can customize the automated SMS messages above by:

  1. Navigating to the Settings page;
  2. Then click on the Notifications tab;
  3. From here you can do the following:
    • Enable / Disable the automatic Case Open / Close SMS notifications by selecting the checkbox beside the type of notification; and
    • Customize the SMS messages by clicking on Manage Templates, then selecting the template you want to customize. From here you can select the SMS tab to customize the SMS message.

      You can also personalize your SMS templates by using Text Substitutions to automatically substitute your text messages with your Contact’s name or Company Name.

      The preview on the right hand side will show you how your message will look when sent out to your contacts. 
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